I want a small laptop. Something that will easily fit in my camera bag. It doesn't need to be anything high performance. Just enough to run vi and ssh. And a physical keyboard

Can anyone recommend such a device ?

@quixoticgeek a pinebook maybe? I bring my @frameworkcomputer 13 everywhere but I don’t think it falls under ‘small’.

@koen @frameworkcomputer I got a Lenovo Chromebook in the end with a 10" screen

@frameworkcomputer @quixoticgeek that is small indeed.

I find the ‘it does not have to be fast’ part to be hard. I want it fast enough


@koen @frameworkcomputer I'm running a toolchain based around vi, git, and ssh. I used to run that on a 486. I really doesn't need to be fast for this usecase

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