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Looking at the RF currents on the power line from a digital LED panel. The noise from the PWM switching is all sub-5MHz, and noise from the communication bus / internal state updates runs from 1MHz to 100MHz. The measurement numbers were not corrected and are only useful for relative comparisons.

Matt Mets boosted

Large reality TV families can't sing nearly as well as they think they can. This is known as the Crooning Duggar Effect

Matt Mets boosted

We are looking forward to @CedHon Cedric Honnet's talk on FiberCircuit, where he will discuss design and fabrication details about high density PCB challenges, miniature component selection, encapsulation for embedding in fabrics, and (embedded) software tips

You can can see the full #OHS2024 schedule at and secure your ticket today at 2024OpenHardwareSummit.eventbr

There is one master and four peripherals, each connected over longish (300mm) tracks; the challenge is to add enough series resistance to smooth out the switching oscillations, while still leaving enough margin between the worst-case input/output voltages of the devices on the network. In reality the parasitic values should be much lower than I have here.

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The simulation seems to suggest that there is just enough headroom to include series resistors in this branching I2C network

Ok this new voltage source preview window is almost worth the Altium maintenance cost.

He was supposed to be guarding our blankets for us, but he fell asleep on the job

Despite the cut tapes, we still got the parts on the boards.

These resistors were apparently packaged onto their tape in a random orientation. At least the mfr managed to get them label side up! We mostly work with parts that are too small for labels, so I didn't notice this before.

Somehow it's faster to view photos stored on a remote samba file server by remote desktoping into a machine on the remote network, instead of mounting the samba directory locally to look at them...

Apparently if DB cancels a train due to a strike, causing you to reschedule a trip, then uncancels it a day before the trip, they won't reimburse you for anything.

Matt Mets boosted

We had a great time at the Oakland Art Murmur tonight. Here are some videos from @rrmutt’s show. They are kind of tricky to capture on camera, but awesome IRL.

E-field probes are definitely my favorite tool for tuning crystals.

I'm pretty sure we ordered cut tape, not cut tapes...

In ~2 months of having DMARC enabled and sending reports, fastmail is the first one to put a human-readable summary in their report.

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