I don't really care who wins, my only #Eurovision desire is for the UK to lose

Apparently this year's theme is "shaving commercial montage" #Eurovision

Look Lil Nas X has angels and devils locked down, you don't stand a chance #CYP #Eurovision

This would be like 50% better with a dance troupe #ALB #Eurovision

#Eurovision is a politics-free zone but my TL isn't so I'll echo the #ISR act, set Palestine free, from the river to the sea.

#MLT bringing the first bisexual lighting of the night 😏 and... describing my dating life.... #Eurovision

Lol what is this black and white old timey nonsense, I reject this hat and message #POR #Eurovision

I demand at least 50% more BPMs, major keys, and cheese #POR #Eurovision

.@/_DivyeshM has promised me "#UK is actually good this year" but I have some questions about these GIANT FLOATING TRUMPETS #Eurovision

#GRE sent sword lesbians last year so basically anything is likely to be a downgrade and ... yeah #Eurovision

Ah yes, the 2021 mood, being entirely consumed by your zoom background #GRE #Eurovision

Props for the synthwave background tho, I approve #GRE #Eurovision

Oh I like #SUI even better than the #POR vocals, this is stunning #Eurovision

Damn this is one of the BEST #Eurovision finals in yeeeeears




the limp DANCING


@th @ehashman They also have a dance tutorial if you'd like to learn to dance limply

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