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The founders of the United States were quite the dog's bollocks.

Fun photography tip: floppy disks are infrared pass filters and your mobile phone camera might be sensitive to the near IR that passes through.


Arugula flowers are like spicy insect wings.

Machine Statistics Co offers 1055 SaaS: Card Sorting as a Service.

TIL that Asimov "withdrew" his 1955 story about a massive computer named Multivac since it was too similar to a book he had in his library.

"The simplest computer for which the schematics are available is the Univac FLODAC, which is actually a fluid-logic demonstrator."

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"The main reason for the existence of the ACS is to enable amateur computer builders to help each other, saving time and money by trading ideas."

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"If one could find a specific date for birth of personal computing, it would be May 5 1966, when Stephen B Gray founded the Amateur Computer Society and began publishing a quarterly called the _ACS Newsletter_" (BYTE 1978)

Manually operated nine level paper tape reader! Connects to any parallel port! Just add a light source and pull!

It's like a claw game where every prize is a free bicycle!

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