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It's time for the 5k from the hbf to CCL! Dress warmly and see you on the tram platform at 09:00!

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Glad that someone else is debugging this rats nest at

Want to jog off all those crepes and Club Mate at ? Let's have a leisurely 5K jog from Leipzig Hbf to CCL at 09:00 on Sunday (Day 3)!

Join me Saturday afternoon at for hacking Ikea Tradfri devices and replacing their firmware with MicroPython:

Anyone want to run a 36c3fiveK tomorrow? Departing around 9 from near the hbf and looping Clara-Zetkin park.

MicroPython loading .py and .mpy from the spi flash block device works, although it seems to run out of memory and hard fault on anything non trivial.

We've crossed into Germany, which means the bandwidth through our mobile phone hotspot has fallen back to dialup speeds.

Enroute to ! Say Hi if you're on the Amsterdam - Hanover - Leipzig trains today! I'll be the nerd hacking on Ikea firmware while onboard.

The smaller two button remote is not yet responding, although Ikea was quite nice to provide labeled test points.

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MicroPython on the Ikea Tradfri ZigBee Gecko board says `hello world` from its external spi flash storage.

According to the console there are still 268 followers of @qrs. @Gargron is there a way to have your side restart the migration process for the remainders?

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Looks like a 250 or so didn't migrate from @qrs to @th. Not sure if that was due to the rate limiting issue or perhaps there are instances that don't honor auto-migration.

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Hello friends! Hope you all made the trip despite the rate limiting messages. Also be sure to turn off notifications before doing account migration.

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