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Reading @UncannyMagazine on a nuclear powered train travelling at 300 km/h feels like a science fiction retro future dream.

To get to Amsterdam's hottest new club, take the 999 to Geen Dienst. The place is really snobby, so if you don't have an amazing outfit they won't even let you on the bus.

The weather is beautiful so the canals are clogged.

@eevee my FOIA request for the NSA's full list of even primes has been in the processing queue for over two years now

And another award to ghidra, for confirming that it was actually AES-128-ECB inside the JNI function, despite the Java code calling it by the old name "Rijndael"

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Shout out to Frida, the dynamic instrumentation tool kit, for making it possible to transfer Kobo books to my reMarkable tablet.

Can’t water the garden until we update the sprinkler firmware.

Was Apple's big virtual reality announcement that they were re-launching eWorld?

The reason for the NS train outage: /var ran out of disk space

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