
Seems that I started a small debate with @th. I started with the statement "The drop spindle is the only hand tool you don't hold to operate"

@th has countered with the fence post hammer. I contend that this is held in operation.

So, Fediverse, a) can you think of any other *HAND* tools that you do not hold the tool to operate.

and b) do you think the fence post hammer counts for this ?

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@quixoticgeek @th does holding a vice count?

i suppose you hold it when you are preparing it but you don't hold it when you're actually doing what you're trying to accomplish on whatever it is holding in place.

@quixoticgeek @th (having thought about it, i suppose this kind of vice is mounted to a table and therefore isn't a "hand tool"?)

@trenchworms @th So it's suggested the English wheel is also a contender, but I said it's not a hand tool, as it's bolted to the bench. But Now we're getting into what counts as a hand tool @th says it's any tool that isn't powered by a motor...

@quixoticgeek @th if that's the case, then this rests on whether "operating a vice" is when you are locking something into it, or when you are using something that is locked into a vice.

but that might be putting an unfair burden on the question. i'd contend that you hold a vice during operation in order to get it into the "correct" position to do your task, in the same way you would hold a drop spindle to get it ready to, well, drop (putting the fleece into the hook etc).

so i think i'm still leaning towards "a vice sufficiently meets the drop spindle requirements laid out in the first post"

@quixoticgeek @th is a drop spindle the same as a plumbbob?

How about a ladder?
A clamp or vise?

@Workshopshed @th A drop spindle is a tool for turning fleece into yarn... It's the precursor to the spinning wheel.

@quixoticgeek @th an old sewing machine, foot operated but fully human powered. It depends on your definition of hand tool though, if you consider “hand tool” to mean “human powered tool” your options are much larger.

Maybe the crappy bike flashlights that are powered by petaling?

I’m sure there’s some fully mechanical, foot operated tool out there that would technically qualify as a hand tool.

@quixoticgeek @th actually, the bike itself would be a hand tool too under that definition.

@quixoticgeek @th a splitting wedge. Once placed you don't hold it, just beat on it with a hammer

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