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Enjoying the signs of spring starting to show through.

Ventured out earlier in search of food. Stopped off briefly at the Sloterplas to admire the clouds.

Apparently I've had these chrome tabs open since Monday, 8 January 1599...

While I was out I went to the Houseboat museum. They have a display about how the boat is built. It was rivetting...

And essentially complete. I still need to add some screws to the lower apron. But we're basically there. All the joinery is complete.

Erm. Duolingo... Maybe you want to rethink this one...

Who knew so many antisocial bellends could park in so many different ways.

Today in utterly cursed power connectors. This is an IKEA air filter. It has a cable coming out the back which plugs into the wall wart. Why there isn't a barrel jack port on the back of the filter, I don't know. Or hell, a USB-C socket.

Last may @X31Andy came over to visit. Being a renewable energy geek, when I asked what he wanted to do for the day, he asked to go see some wind Turbines. By pure chance it was national wind mill open day, which gave us a crash course in 400 years of wind energy. Starting with a post mill, then a smock mill, before entering Flevopolder and visiting 3 generations of wind Turbine.

What amazed me most of tho was that the quietest of the turbines were the newest. 1/n

Look mum, no clamps.

It's finally starting to look like a work bench.

Well fuck. Screwed and not screwed, at the same time...

Not the greatest presentation. But steamed chocolate pudding. Served with a hot chocolate Ganache.

Bought a book via Abe books. (Following a discussion with someone on Mastodon).

Based on the barcode sticker on the spine I wonder if it was once a library book.

Anyone recognise it ?

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