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Sometimes when a Model 100 and Silent 700 love each other very much....

Early morning ISS pass resulted in this partial SSTV image received with the FT-817ND on 145.800 MHz. The Boafeng broke squelch once and the HackRFdid not pick up anything unfortunately.

robot36 does a surprisingly good job with the microphone input on my phone, so I'm hoping this works during tonight's ISS pass!

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"As a scientist I have become mistrustful of the storyteller who lives in my mind and come to realize that I must not put much confidence in their story. On the other hand, it would not be good to ignore them altogether, since their story generally has some foundation of truth more especially in those anecdotes that concern me intimately. " - Sir Arthur Eddington

Casually mentioning "I showed my friend Woz how to produce NTSC color with digital signals when he was designing the Apple II and he ran with it" is an astounding nerd flex.

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Some of these Apple prototypes are amazing in their forward-looking designs and uses, yet so backwards-looking in their reliance on things like a floppy disk in a tablet.

@pepijndevos or played a sad tune if you got close, which it was optimized for. The solver for the magnet polarities found the one unique solution of the 12! * 5^12 (around 10^17) possible arrangements that had the maximum number of 11, 10, 9 and 8 piece solutions to ensure that players ended up on a garden path that wouldn't let them finish.

@pepijndevos I love the idea of embedding circuits and wiring into games in some way. For my Platonic Puzzle I thought about using the magnets as electrical contacts so that it would light up in the unlikely event that you ever finished it.

@cypnk and unlike Jibo, who made us cry with their evocation of the fabulous "_and they told us to tell you hello_" tumblr post in the shutdown message

@cypnk I'm really pleased that Pebble took the right approach when they shutdown their servers: they handed the keys to Kathryn Berry and the Rebble community who keep the watches working

@phooky do you think that group of paddle boards are getting together for their agile standup?

No, Firefox, you won't restore the tabs correctly. You're going to delete the `/tmp/mozilla` directory, so I won't be able to read the PDF that you just downloaded.

Looks like my summer solstice solar photography project is not going to happen today.

Hazelnut and yellow raison almost won with the current rules, while black raison was off on their own with not much chance. Three tile sets is probably necessary and the rules need tweaks for collisions.

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