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Dear past me: please keep better notes next time so that I can remember what you were doing with this code.

That looks better! My swarm can now join jitsi and zoom meetings by using `pyfakewebcam` and the `v4l2loopback` kernel module (with `exclusive_caps=1` parameter)

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re: pandemic, nerdery 

Unfortunately there is Arecibo message embedded in the virus... It is eight colors since there are the normal four (a,g,c,t) plus four unknowns (k,r,s,y).

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pandemic, nerdery 

`xkcd` mentioned that the 29882 base pairs of the genome was available as a text file and it looked sort of similar to an XPM image to me, so here it is as an eight color 223x134 bitmap.

re: pandemic 

The original Amsterdam crosswalk signs are promoting unsafe behaviour and need to be updated.

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Crosswalk hygiene in the modern era.

Looking for an artist looking for a ! I want to make a modified version of the pedestrian crosswalk sign line drawing sticker.

Shamir, Rivest, and Aldleman really commit to their answer about the possibility of playing mental poker.

Leaked photo of the next Apple watch prototype 

A flawless victory of aesthetic form over function.

Three phase open loop fail. Overcurrent triggers, watchdog shuts down the system.


Signal that the tulip bubble has burst

Achievement unlocked: just used a fixed length non-capturing negative look behind assertion in a regular expression.

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(void *) social site
