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Found some footage of sailing the Tres Hombres a few months ago on my camera that I forgot to post. No editing or commentary, just random short clips of a quiet day while on the sea.

Plus you can parallel park your Unimog atop those trucks.

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The Unimog might not be the ideal urban vehicle, although it has better visibility than most modern pickup trucks.

In the event that the Weighted Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Another thing the Nazi's took from the Netherlands is the UTC+0h20m timezone.

Much like the two Irish Elk who died with their enormous antlers tangled together, so perished these two mortal enemies: the bicycle and shopping cart

The new PixelWrangler boards work in Pi DPI mode, but they can't sync the FPGA's PLL to the HDMI input. My guess is that the extra through-holes on the v2 design are making the marginal signal integrity even more marginal.

DAILY CHALLENGE - 02/08/2024



glad to see that even famous artists sometimes phone in the birds by just drawing an M.

I'm so late in getting out my 2023 plotter art cards, but they are finally in the mail!

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