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Computer generated ballet, circa 1968, recorded on an oscilloscope (along with other fun animations):

The Nintendo Game&Watch talk by
ghidraninja at is a wonderful introduction into STM32 protection bits, AES cipher modes, known plaintext attacks, and homebrew game development, all illustrated with delightful 8-bit graphics. had its first vandal. Luckily any objects created by non-admins disappear when the user leaves.

Since is all virtual this year, we've setup a virtual world for our hackerspace to show case art and link to other VR worlds.

The morning showers left a small rainbow over Brouwersgracht. Hope you had a sunny day!

We've been complaining about the house being too cold, no matter how much we turned up the setting and despite the display saying it is 23C. Turns out the big GPU is next to the temperature sensor and when we're playing games in VR, it heats up the thermostat, which shuts off the boiler and makes the rest of the house freeze.

I recently wrote a bit on the controls and software of

I was curious about the details of FIDO2/U2F authentication and attestation with hardware tokens / security keys in both the browser's `WebAuthn` as well as `ssh`, so I spent the day working through the protocols and validating each step with `openssl`:

Looking forward to going back to The Movies in 2021

Did you know that leeching is a slow and expensive cure for travelling? (From AE Wright's Commercial Directory)

OpenSSH 8.2 added support for u2f keys, although it isn't as cool as the per-site ECDSA key that WebAuthn uses. Based on digging through the code, enrolling a key generates a ECDSA key that is used to sign a normal public/private key pair. The server will only accept that public key if it is signed by the token, but there is nothing directly tying that server to that key, the host still has the private key, etc.

Jean here knows we have a cinnamon roll and a pumpernickel bagel in the basket and is just waiting for us to look away.

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