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Oh I've heard this one and I hate it. The more I hear it the more grating the chorus gets

I feel like this song had potential but the performance is, awkard not in a good way?

@ehashman It's particularly scary when you consider how few of them are vaccinated and none of them are wearing masks. My age group doesn't come up for vaccination until next month and I think I'm older than most of the audience? That's in NL, the rest of Europe might be vaccinating faster -- but then they've been traveling so.. :/

Germany, I'm just doing the confused wide-eyed open-mouthed stare here

I feel like Iceland is the band most likely to be on mastodon. Who's on a big server and search around?

@th @ehashman They also have a dance tutorial if you'd like to learn to dance limply

I feel like she's doing that Paula Abdul video but not as well and in a sparkly grimace costume.

Dutch observatory?? Aren't they just looking at clouds?

If you haven't seen that junior winner.. look it up. So good!!!

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