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Standing under this heater makes my phone go to full brightness. Does it use an IR sensor for auto dimming?

My old office was also my workshop, so there were more decorations.

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My new office has a boring background for video conferences. I need to setup some art robots on the wall.

Now with enough WiFi coverage so that hopefully there are no more weak spots.

Testing out live streaming from the Pi HQ camera module. It's OK quality.

Yesterday was Johnny Mnemonic Day*! Any data couriers looking to offload a few megabytes of hot RAM?

* Not actually a Thursday.

% sdate
Sat 10000 Sep 1993 03:21:46 PM EST

In better news, there was a cat named Patches that everyone thought was lost in a mudslide, but actually made it out fine and came back 3 years later

Looks like someone's been feeding her all this time. Or she was somehow able to take care of herself because cat

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