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It’s springtime pastry season in the Netherlands 🌷🐤🐑

I hope the right-wing freak-out over "15-minute cities" will show that there is no concept so anodyne or benign that they won't freak out over it.

Freaking out and screaming about "liberal overreach", "woke conspiracies", and so on is simply WHAT THEY DO. They will do it whether we try to accommodate them or not.

So, seriously: stop even trying. Promote good, progressive ideas! So what if the right freaks out? They were going to anyway.

Pi Day is a fake holiday made up by Big Math to sell more math.

Never get tired a this un...

"Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.
But no.
Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed.
Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die.
You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food.
You are meat for prowling beasts.
No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.
A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery.
Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Mead said."

We are at our best when we serve others.
Be civilized.

Dropbox, Storage, Options 

@edsu @brainwane I like @nextcloud You can self host it, it works with the iOS Files app, and on MacOS it shows up as a folder in my home directory. Also works on android and Linux.

@pascoda Yep, it's quite a challenge, too. How do you reliably make people bored, so you can measure their reaction to boredom, while still having them do an activity, and that activity not being intellectually challenging (so that doesn't confound the result) and while triggering accidental hyperfocus in the fewest number of people (because that would produce false negatives). Tricky.

@gnomon When you type, say, a snowing emoji, it snows in the terminal. For Element (on the desktop) fireworks, rain, and confetti also work. It doesn't work in the iOS app, sadly.

@pluralistic @jwildeboer What I want to follow is an account where you post one-toot summaries/intros to your essays, with a link to the essay. That is the model works here. I think there are a lot of us who get annoyed with intentionally long threads because they clog our feeds.

In het bloed van Nederlandse boeren worden verhoudingsgewijs veel bestrijdingsmiddelen aangetroffen en huisstof op boerderijen bevat maar liefst 144 soorten landbouwgif.

Europese normen bieden weinig bescherming, omdat die niet kijken naar de totale gezondheidseffecten van gelijktijdige blootstelling aan meerdere middelen.

Onderzoekers vrezen voor tal van ziekten als parkinson, kanker en verminderde vruchtbaarheid. En niet alleen bij de boer, maar ook bij omwonenden...

I just discovered the emoji triggers in the Element Matrix client and I'm spamming everybody. (I assume this is an Element thing and not a Matrix thing?)

Happy International Not A Woman Day to all my fellow gender weirdos. May the universe hand anyone who misgenders you a hundred unwanted cacti.

🥳 Vandaag is de 6️⃣de schoolstraat in onze stad geopend. Hier mag aan het begin en einde van de schooldag geen gemotoriseerd verkeer 🚗🏍️🚚 komen. Dat is wel zo veilig voor onze Amsterdammertjes. Scholen kunnen een schoolstraat aanvragen.


@cassolotl Just going to add to the chorus of people here saying that while I don't have a song playing in my head at the moment, this is an exception to the rule. Feel weird clicking "I don't" because usually "I do". The worst is the ones that start up 2 hours before you need to wake up and are so energetic they're in your running mix.

Supporting businesses that support trans folks/read below 

If you're buying yarn or crafting supplies or stickers or a mug, consider The Yarnery in St. Paul. It's great to support your local yarn store but it's even greater when they support the trans communities where I live. They posted this on Instagram and can't be more happy to ask you to get their #OneYarn stuff. Even if you don't need anymore yarn. Like I do.

#Knitting #Crochet

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